COVID Vaccination: Delhi

4 min readMay 7, 2021

I got my first shot of COVID 19 vaccine today. Here’s are some useful points.

  1. Register here: You have to use your mobile number to log in. OTP will be generated every time you want to log-in.
  2. The following details have to be entered.

3. The slots are limited right now. So, after entering the details here, press the search button obsessively. The slots are full in no time. Fastest finger first.

4. Searching by Pin Code narrows down the options. This means you’ll get centres closer to your home, but less slots to choose from. Vaccine is being administered in hospitals as well as government schools.

5. On successfully grabbing a spot, you get an SMS confirmation. Congratulations! This will have the date, time slot, vaccination centre name and site number. Each centre is divided into various sites for smooth management.

6. On reaching the vaccination centre, you will be sent to the waiting area. Three repeated instructions here: i) Ensure that you are not empty stomach. ii) Pregnant women and lactating mothers are not being vaccinated. iii) Individuals who have had fever in the past one week from the date of vaccination are advised to get vaccinated at a later date.

7. Then, you will be guided to the registration window.

See ‘the’ window.

8. Here, they will ask for the mobile number you used during registration (Step 1). After this, you will have to show the Photo ID proof for verification. On successful verification of both, a slip with a token number will be given.

9. Next, you proceed to the actual vaccination site. For me, it was a big hall which had all the four sites of my centre. It looked like this:

10. On your turn, you give the token number from Step 8 to the lady administering the vaccine. She was chirpy. Just the kind of relaxation one needs. After receiving the vaccine, a staff member enters your details in a register.

This place was neat and clean, contrary to what is apparent above.

11. Almost done. They make you sit for about 20- 30 minutes on the chairs seen in Step 9. Just in case. Staff member tells you to not take any medication for the next eight hours. Also, mask at home is a must as the non-vaccinated family members may catch the virus through the air we exhale.

12. Then, you sign in the register mentioned in Step 10. Off you go! My brother who got vaccinated at a different centre was also given a certificate and an SOS tablet. Later, I got an SMS with the link to download my certificate and the date for my second shot.

13. After-effects: I experienced little headache after reaching home. I slept. My brother was fine. He joined work. Both got COVISHIELD (Oxford- AstraZeneca). By evening, he had headache and fever. My headache wasn’t gone either. We both took paracetamol tablet. He slept for two hours and is doing fine now. My headache is better too.

14. I feel very tired right now. Like all my energy has been sucked out by a vacuum cleaner. I feel constantly hungry. And there is an urge to drink something chilled. A good sleep should fix this by tomorrow morning or so.

15. Overall, a smooth experience. Other than the booking of slot on the website, everything was very structured and quick. Social distancing norms were enforced. Oh and the staff a.k.a COVID frontline workers were pleasant and helpful.

